Channel: Scout Magazine » Sean Orr
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TEA & TWO SLICES | On Harper’s Jihad And Real Estate Developers Owning Our Futures



by Sean Orr | Well, my horoscope this week tells me to “just be content with your own viewpoint, and lighten up about proselytizing to others…” Something tells me that’s not going to happen…

After all, Harper’s Plan Means Canada Will Be Associated With War Crimes Instead of Peacekeeping. I’m guessing Harper’s not a Taurus. “The implications of this conservative ‘jihad’ are a threat to our national security on many levels…”

Author, poet, academic, and former Canadian diplomat Prof. Peter Dale Scott recently disclosed a Wikileaks cable indicating that the International Republican Institute (IRI), an off-shoot of the CIA, and a subsidiary of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) helped install Stephen Harper as Canada’s Prime Minister.

Surprised/totally not surprised.

The slow march of fascism plods on like a Canadian Light Armoured Vehicle: Hundreds of military vehicles to be erected as Afghan war monuments. Oh, what a give away! I wonder if John McCain’s IRI gave this idea to Harper or if he thought of it all by himself. “Better to do it now than in 25 years when kids ask ‘what’s Afghanistan?’”. Captain Mark approves.

House of Hormones: Sexual Harassment Allegations Put Spotlight On Parliament Hill’s ‘Testosterone Palace’. “Green Party Leader Elizabeth May also weighed in on the matter, suggesting men can escape culpability in systems of political power…”, which is pretty much what she wished she had said regarding Jian Ghomeshi.

Tweet of the Day:


I have a feeling it was supposed to be about this: Dean Del Mastro resigns his seat in House of Commons before vote to suspend him. “I did not donate too much money to myself and I stand by my filings in 2008,” he told the House of Commons as he resigned. “Don’t listen to the people who are on the blogs and the haters…” Who is this guy, Taylor Swift?

Related tweet:


Feds brace for backlash over new immigration rules banning polygamous, forced marriages. I wonder if denying a woman’s right to choose counts as a “barbaric cultural practice”?

Related: The definitive ranking of ridiculous and misleading Conservative names for bills.

Gregor Robertson endorsed by former NPA president and ex-COPE councillor. “Back in the glory days, the NPA was a giant tent with room for everyone…” Just reading that gave me a giant tent. Not so much for Charles Demers, however: “Visionistas tweeting ex-COPE, ex-NPA stuff like it doesn’t represent a depressing flattening, a collapse of the city’s political ecosystem.”

Frances Bula: Are Gregor Robertson’s voters moving on from leftist ideals?
 Short answer: no. “The Vision Vancouver party created in 2005 was a civic version of a federal Liberal party, a centrist operation with a strong green overlay…” If only her articles were as funny as her tweets.

She’s no Stephen Quinn: Five things to know heading into the Vancouver election homestretch. On Lapointe: “I don’t think I’m alone in saying that your key policy points shouldn’t be outlined in the same tone you might describe what you just got in your last handful of Bits & Bites…”

Hey, it worked for the Cedar Party: Gregor Robertson suing mayoral rival Kirk LaPointe for defamation. How’s that whole clean campaign thing working out for you, Kirk?

The real problem? Donors wield too much influence.

Meanwhile, the Greens take to Tinder. It’s funny because I’m still not sure if I should swipe left, or right. You know, because are they left wing or right wing? Sigh.

Tinder: When to Swipe for Mr. Right. So…The Province is basically Hush Magazine at this point…

Or, perhaps more accurately, Vancity “We Need to End Homelessness” Buzz: Vancouver is top-Canadian city for sugar daddies.

Headline of the day: Sean Avery’s off-Broadway debut derailed by meltdown over pizza.

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