by Sean Orr | With all the tact of a rabid pitbull after a head-swap operation, The Province introduces their election Tumblr You Call BS. OK, I call BS.
“A writ, when dropped in a vacuum, will accelerate towards the earth at 9.81 m/s^2. Meanwhile, Christy Clark’s approval rating is doing about the same” – Ian King on Facebook.
Real Politicians of BC: BC Election 2013: Meet the Youngest Candidates. Dudes, are you sure that isn’t the cast of Parks & Recreation?
World Bank Debars SNC-Lavalin Inc. and its Affiliates for 10 years. Nah, but it’s cool. They can build our great Train in the Sky.
Tweet of the day c/o Bob Kronbauer:
Favourite snippets from Vancouver-centric news headlines today: “boondoggle”, “grain silos anger residents” and “beaver takes up residence”
— Vancouver Is Awesome (@VIAwesome) April 16, 2013
Favourite headline of the day: “We’re selling poutine to a lot of confused people“.
While I may not share VANDU’s core value system, I certainly don’t trust the Province to out them in a sophomoric smear piece like this: Pro-dope, anti-cop VANDU network allowed to skip city regulations. Ah, “The evil attitudes of a thoughtless majority”. I think I have the name of my band’s next record!
While I may not share the Pidgin protestors’ core value system… Editorial: Protesters getting kid-glove treatment.
This is what democracy looks like? Real Hipsters of Vancouver: Pick New Hipsters. I didn’t think it was even possible for things to get more ironic.
Cannot be unseen: This Is Sparta Sunrise.