by Sean Orr | Senate and robocall scandals different versions of same pathology. Or, for a much more floral take on Parliamentary democracy, read Russell Brand: ‘The whole joint is a deeply encoded temple of hegemonic power’.
Man. with all this awesome stuff happening in Toronto I almost forgot that we just elected Christy Clark: Six random thoughts about the Globe and Mail, Rob Ford, and Doug Ford. The kicker is in the comments: “One is tempted to compare the ‘explosive’ Globe story about Doug Ford to the ‘explosive’ Straight story about John Furlong (who may not have possessed a mature ‘prefrontal cortex’ at the time of the alleged incidents)”. Boom.
That’s because: Reporters are ‘a bunch of maggots’. Well, considering maggots feed on festering decay, the metaphor is rather apropos.
Gregor Robertson and Rob Ford — a tale of two itineraries. “Introduce motion to ban oil and coal shipments going through Vancouver, with bike paths to replace pipeline and rail routes”. Ugh, you bumbling morons can’t even do satire right.
Way more constructive than burning down a construction site: Vancouver Rent Assembly explores deeper questions around tenant rights, gentrification. In lieu of violence there will be crafts.
And it really is that bad, even the Royal Bank says so: Vancouver Housing Affordability Is The Worst In Canada. My suggestion to tax tourists every time they look at the North Shore’s mountains isn’t such a bad idea now, is it?
Consulting firm conducts first independent study to reveal experiences of panhandlers with controversial token based meal program. “Much of the criticism appears to be coming from some advocacy groups speaking for others” Ding, ding, ding! Can we just rename them “Some Advocacy Groups Speaking for Others”? We’ll call it SAGSO for short.
Abbotsford hosts first pride parade. This is awesome. It reminds me of a Patton Oswalt bit.
Plus I do this other thing: Needs ‘Rare Earths’ (EP stream).