by Sean Orr | Double down: BC Prosperity Fund and conflicting data on LNG. How are we supposed to trust this government to plan our future when they can’t even keep their own cabinet ministers, let alone run Translink or BC Ferries. Ah fuck it, make daddy a winner!
Dear Christy: A Valentine’s Day gift for the Ayn Rand doofus in your life. I would be more fitting if it was a gilded piece of pipeline, but still…
Report card shows Vancouver exceeding housing targets, on track to meet homelessness goals. I get it. I used to like marking my own exams, too.
And what about the Rainier?
I guess they have their hands full with NIMBY nonsense like this: The City of Vancouver: Stop a funeral home from moving into 450 W 2nd Ave. Can you believe it?
It’s a good thing that we can laugh at ourselves: What Vancouver needs is a dog park for cats. Good idea. And we shall call it Cat Chilling Park.
Where’s Whalley: Could Surrey become Vancouver’s version of Brooklyn? Nope. But hey, don’t let me get in the way of your boosterism and real estate speculation. I mean, somebody has to pay those costly printing bills, right?
Clearing the brush. When speculation turns to arson.
I mean, it’s not like they would fake Chinese investors for TV news. Vancouver real-estate firm admits faking investor for TV news. Oh. Never mind.
I’ll just leave you with this: Warning or not, Grammy Awards features plenty of ‘puffy genitals’. Because Happy Valentine’s Day.