by Sean Orr | Trolls will be trolls: Our universities need to educate, not ban. Yup. He went there. Jon Ferry pretty much just said of the rape chant, “boys will be boys”, and chalks it up to pheromones. University isn’t a leftist paradise, folks. It’s for jocks and apologetic, try-hard journalists.
It’s Africanized Honey Bees all over again! Year of the wasp: Yellow jackets spike in numbers as pests scavenge for food. Go inside, lock the doors, and stay glued to the TV for updates.
Death in the afternoon: A b(s)ad day in traffic. A man died? What a perfect opportunity for wordplay!
Register to Criticize Your Mayor and Council? Oh yeah, I signed up for that a while ago.
Alternatively? Can’t complain – nobody would listen: B.C. MLAs Forgo Fall Legislative Session. Ne parle-ament.
How long should seniors be allowed to drive?. I say until their adult diapers are full. Then they have to turn around and go back home. Oh, you mean until what age should seniors be allowed to drive? Well, I favour a Logan’s Run type situation, so I’m no use to you there.
So Scout posted this article on Frankie Macdonald. Turns out, I made a song about it a while ago and it’s on this free cassette. Don’t buy it though. There are only like 5 left. Just listen to the song, Frankie says it is a good song.
Video Vancouver: SKATE Vancouver with Rick McCrank. I love how he knows which tricks were performed by whom and for which skate videos. A pro in every sense of the word.