by Sean Orr | The whole system is ‘rigged’: Protest outside Christy Clark’s home is unlikely to sway the public. Feel sorry for Kristy? Say it ain’t so. Public leaders are public. I remember every time I would see Lorne Mayencourt in the West End I would hassle him for spare change after he tabled the Safe Streets (no panhandling) Law.
See also, Is Professional Activism Getting in the Way of Real Change?
Meanwhile, A shameful show of activism on campus. If you have to preface your argument by saying, “we’re usually pretty right wing but we have a Mao poster in our office”, then you’re doing it wrong.
Continuing on the merits of activism, we turn to New Brunswick, where the NDP have stated in no uncertain terms that the Elsipogtog First Nation are guilty of domestic terrorism. I guess that makes the NDP guilty of being totally irrelevant. To wit, the conservatives in neighbouring Newfoundland have just announced a moratorium on fracking.
If you are into anti-oppressive politics, have I got a house for you! But wait…“Dogs welcome but no cats (sorry)”. How oppressive! Related: Not actual layout of apartment.
Next time you say you’ve ‘got too much shit on your plate’, think of this: Woman describes eating ‘breakfast beside your excrement’ in hellish Surrey Memorial Hospital stay. Still though, it could be worse. You could have had your penis chewed off by rats.
Slightly related tweet of the day c/o Ed Watson: “Oh, the vagaries of the TV news business. Friday I’m chasing a sex offender, today I’m chasing a sports mascot. Neither of them are talking”.
Runner up c/o Derek Bolen: “A New Style of Headline Writing is Taking the Internet By Storm And May Make You Want To Gouge Your Eyes Out With Manufactured Feelgoodery”.
Great new podcast via Cameron Reed: The Globe and Mail hates young people.