by Sean Orr | Emperor Palpatine’s New Clothes, or Stephen Harper’s New Plane. Whatever, man. If I was Stephen I would order Bombardier to make me an entire squadron of X-wing fighters. You laugh, but…
B.C. minister accused of misleading bidders on development. Sorry, but I stopped reading at “A CBC News investigation has uncovered serious allegations against the B.C. government”. That’s good enough for me.
How Cannes inspired Molson’s latest campaign. Or rather, how misogynistic neo-liberal jingoism and the shallow appeal to patriotism inspired Molson’s latest campaign. Also, two girls almost kissing underwater? Time re-think Rethink.
Speaking of misogyny and shitty beer: Woman sexually assaulted while waiting for bus in Granville Strip area. In the words of the great Gordon Ramsay, shut it down.
Montreal’s version of Vancouver’s much hated liquor inspectors: Joe Beef Takes Quebec Language Watchdog Woes Public Following Pasta Flap. Mmm, pasta flap.
Vancouver realtor says one-quarter of all sales in the city are to foreign buyers: NY Times. Yeah? Well, that’s not what they say to us!
Bonus: Click that hood.